‘I want to spread the light of Islam around the world’
- প্রকাশের সময় : ০৩:২৩:৩৪ অপরাহ্ন, সোমবার, ৪ সেপ্টেম্বর ২০১৭
- / ২৭৮৬ বার পঠিত
Hakkatha Report: Maunala Tarek Monowar, one of the front-ranking scholars of Bangladesh, who is a popular TV presenter said, Islam is a religion of peace. Only Islamic ideology can establish peace throughout the world. I want to spread the light of Islam all over the world. Being a Muslim it is also my duty and responsibility. He said, it cannot be accepted what is going on in Bangladesh in the name of modernity and western culture. Conspiracy is in progress to wipe out the real culture of Bangladesh what we cannot comprehend, though we have rich culture of high humane sense. So we are to play the pioneering role in safeguarding our own identity and national existence. The flag of Islamic spirit is to be upheld.
Tarek Monowar, as an interfaith orator, is on a tour to the US and North America. Tarek Monowar is a renowned Islamic scholar in the subcontinent. He received many awards from several individuals and socio-cultural organization beyond the territory of his motherland. He earned prominence participating in conventions of several mainstream religions and Islamic seminars organized by the immigrated Bangladeshis. Due to this reason, Councilman of New York City, Rafael Espinal, awarded proclamation certificate to Tarek Monowar. People’s representative elected from 37 District of Brooklyn honored him as an expert Islamic scholar. Besides, a good number of socio-cultural organizations of the Bangladeshi community, including the bodies of the journalists and writers, honored him as recognition of his achievements.
Some of these organizations are: New York Bangladesh Press Club, Bangladesh Journalists’ & Writers’ Association of North America, Time Television, Writers’ Forum of North America, Weekly Bangla Patrika, Bangladesh Society, Greater Noakhali Society USA Inc., Companyganj Welfare Association, Darul-Jannah Islamic Center (Brooklyn), Masjid Al-Hera of Atlantic City, American Muslim Center etc. He was given proclamations and award as a token of recognition for disseminating the real history before the new generation youth.
Talking to ‘Hakkatha’, an online media outlet, Tarek Monowar said, I virtually work so that the next generation doesn’t proceed to derailed track in the name of religion. The message of peace of Islam and tolerance to other religion will have to be discriminated among them on behalf of the family and the society. If that can be done, terrorism and militancy will never emerge in the world. The future generation will learn to hate terrorism and militancy.
Maulana Tarek Monowar made all these statements last week while talking with the correspondent of news portal ‘Hakkatha’. He recently came to visit United States, including New York. Meanwhile, he conveyed the message of peace of Islam participating in several gatherings in mosques and Islamic Centers. He talked to various media, including Time TV, where he also highlighted the message of Islam. Very recently participating in the ‘Time News’ at 10pm he spoke against the repression on the Rohingya Muslims of Arakan.
Talking to ‘Hakkatha’ Maulana Tarek Monowar said, conspiracy is in progress against the Muslims. The Muslim nation will have to be united against it. To protect the Muslims from international conspiracy all Muslim countries are to be united under one umbrella and world peace will be established thereafter.
Maulana Tarek Monowar said, there is huge scope to spread the message of peace of Islam in a mixed cultured country, named America. This opportunity is to be utilized. This can be done from the respective position of each individual.
Maulana Tarek Monowar, an expert in English, Bengali and Arabic (languages), possesses a dream to present the message of peace of Islam before the international community and save and unite the derailed young generation of the subcontinent through education and culture. He said, the true history of Islam is to be spread not only among the youth generation of Bangladesh, but also all other ethnic communities, including the Bengali speaking generations. All are to be bounded by the bridge of love.
Tarek Monowar said, militancy and terrorism in the name of Islam threw the peace-loving Muslims to the verge of a dangerous challenge. The lone way to overcome this is to culture real history of Islam and discriminate it among the Muslim generations to generations. He said, Islam doesn’t support killing any innocent man. Prophet (SM) instructed to spread the message of peace of Islam on the basis of the Quran and the Hadith. He said, Islam has categorical instruction not to impose personal opinion, ideology and religion/faith on others whoever they are. Muslims are to be sympathetic towards them.
It is to be mentioned that Tarek Monowar, the son of Laskhmipur district of Bangladesh, was born in 1960. After completing primary education he came to Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. He earned his Masters’ degree in political science from Dhaka University. Besides, he studied in Alia Madrash of Dhaka in Hadith and Adab and attained a higher degree kamil on comparative religion from Islamic University of Bangladesh. He was directly involved in literature and culture. He traveled to United Kingdom in 1990. He also performed the responsibility as the Vice-President of a Bengali TV Channel, ATN Bangla.